Spieces of wood
Botanical name: Millettia laurentii. Name of “Venge” was given to this tree by European colonists that owned African lands at different times.
Type: tree of Fabaceae family. Venge is recognized by unusual colour of its wood. It is dark-brown with almost black striae. Colour of the wood associates with bitter dark chocolate. An interesting fact that this wood becomes dark only after sawing it down.
Texture: large texture with straight fibers. Pores contain a lot of mineral and oily substances. Texture of wood is rather rough. Even unprocessed wood has matt dull luster.
Density: about 920 kg/m3.
Range: Venge grows in tropical jungles of Western Africa up to Zair. Venge likes loneliness and usually grows far from its congeners. It is hard to find groups of these trees.
Venge is a tree weathered under tropical sun. Wood of Venge has deep coffee colour and it is resistant to stress.
Mechanical properties: wood of Venge is very strong, solid and compact. It can be easily processed and spliced but heavily polished. Wood of Venge is seasoned under natural conditions to prevent cracks. This wood is resistant to insects and fungi.
Application: from the earliest times Venge has been used in traditional African interiors, but in XXI century Venge fashion engulfed Europe too. Venge is used in production of parquet, expensive furniture, veneer for doors, custom-made gifts, chess sets, electric guitars and interior trim.
Venge is the fineness of colour and strictness of texture. Ascetic tree will bring monumentality and balance in interior.