Only that person has knowledge who asks questions.
G. Ford
Varadoor club is informational and discussion Internet area. Here you can find necessary information about doors, ask your questions, share your opinion and communicate.
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Good day! I bought Exotica doors one year ago. The glass in one door has been shattered recently. Where and how can I replace it in Moscow? I live in Tula.
Please, call to office telephone (495) 22-555-17 to get details how to replace the glass and where to buy it in Moscow.

Good day! I liked Palermo door in Anegry tone 2 veneer. However, I have taken note of that these doors are packaged with case supports not veneered but with special coating. Could you tell me, please, whether I can order Palermo doors with door case made from natural veneer of Anegry tone 2.
Good day!
Please, specify when you bought the doors and whether supports are installed. The fact is that all dimensional products in Tone 2 are veneered. Formerly we produced case supports with special coating but later we discarded from that technology and started to produce veneered supports. It is possible that you had bought supports from old batch or from warehouse.
Could you tell me, please, what is finishing panel used for?
Finishing panel is a special plate for extension of door case (if wall is wider than door case). As far as doors are manufactured according to standard dimensions then width of door case is also standard (normally 70 mm). If wall width is larger than this value then finishing panel is used. Finishing panels are made from the same veneer as doors. Normally it requires 2.5 pieces of finishing panel for full lining of door aperture.